21 Ways to Digitally Declutter In The New Year

I’m a fan of purging my home around the new year. As a matter of fact, my “break” is usually spent going from room to room, throwing out what I don’t need and what cannot be salvaged, donating items that are still in good condition and organizing the rest. Spring cleaning in my house is typically at the end of December, much to Joe’s chagrin.

As 2023 rolls around, we’re still battling the global events of the last 3 years and much of our day-to-day life has turned to online means of business and communication.

Since I doubt this is going to change much in 2023, it’s important to be mindful of your online space and boundaries.

A few of years ago I was interviewed on the A Sunny Side Up Life podcast for the first time about digital decluttering and ever since then, I’ve tried to share this philosophy with the world. Now that we’re where we are as a people, I think it’s even more important.

Here are 21 ways you can digitally declutter in the New Year:


  • Go through your apps

    • Delete unused apps, apps that entice you to spend money and apps that cause you to waste time

  • Alphabetize your apps

  • Go through your photos

    • Delete and organize them

  • Go through your contacts

    • Delete the unnecessary contacts, aka: people you’ll never talk to again

  • Create an organization/naming protocol for your contacts

  • Unsubscribe from podcasts that are done or that you don’t listen to any longer


  • Go through your email and get to 0 unread emails

  • Use unroll.me to unsubscribe from emails that you do not have any use for or don’t want to receive any longer


  • Delete your dead credit/debit cards off of the retailer websites you shop at

    • If you really want to save money in 2023 take your cards off of all online retail websites

  • Delete and organize files in your Google Drive or cloud storage

  • Delete bookmarks you no longer need + alphabetize them

Social Media

  • Go through your Facebook friends and get rid of people you are no longer interested in keeping contact with

  • Delete and organize Facebook groups

  • Go through accounts you’re following on Instagram

    • Delete accounts that are no longer active, don’t serve you and your goals and/or don’t align with what you want to consume on social media


  • Organize desktop icons

  • Delete and organize files on your computer: Free up some precious space!

  • Empty your recycle bin


  • Don’t look at screens for an hour

  • Pull out ALL of your electronics. Donate ones, sell some, and organize the ones you keep

  • Download time recording apps and bedtime apps to manage the amount of time you spend online and when to put it away for the night

  • Remember: You are a person and not a product. Unplug completely from time-to-time. A good way to do this is on National Day of Unplugging on March 4-5, 2022: https://www.nationaldayofunplugging.com

I hope digital decluttering brings you peace and happiness in the new year! Let me know other ways you declutter digitally in the comment section below. Happy 2023, y’all!


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