Forcing Your Kids To Go To College Is Stupid
In a perfect world, you’d grow up with financially stable parents. Your parents saved your entire life for you to go to the college of your dreams. You graduate with a degree, and go into the career of your choice. You then make $59k salary that the statistics promised you. You’d have no student loan debt, you’d get a job in your chosen field a week after graduation, and you’d be livin’ the life.
Reality check.
That lifestyle is right up there with unicorns and cotton-candy clouds for the majority of Americans. Most Millennials and Gen-Zers were raised with this rose-colored idea preached to them by society, but without the actual reality of a loaded 529 saving account and a field-of-study that guarantees a lucrative career.

4 Reasons You’re Failing At Rover
Since being public about the love I have for this side hustle, I’ve been getting more questions about it. One of the biggest: How can I make as much money as you? Here are 4 mistakes I see in the Rover world and how to fix them. I hope this helps you in your pursuit of more cash while using this app!