Student Loan Payment Guide: How To Budget For Resuming Student Loan Payments
If you’re one of the 45 million student loan borrowers, you’re likely feeling anxiety about making room in your budget for these payments, which on average clock in at $503 per month. Here are 7 suggestions on how to ease into student loan payments again.

4 Lessons Divorce Taught Me About Money
I wouldn’t wish divorce on anyone. With that being said, it was the best thing that could have happened to me. I got married too young, because of survival, to someone who was not right for me. Through that experience, I learned a thing or two about money… and a lot about myself. Here are 4 lessons divorce taught me about money:

Realistic Money Goals In An Unrealistic Economy
The reality is that we can’t and don’t control gas prices, higher rent bills, or food prices. If we could, all of it would be free and equitable. So what money goals do you set when prices begin to creep up and your income stays the same?

How To Save Money This Summer
Saving money is getting more and more difficult nowadays, but these 5 tips, you’ll be well on your way to saving money this summer.

4 Ways To Lower Car Costs TODAY
For the majority of us, having a car is a non-negotiable— and with almost 92% of Americans having access to a car, how do we keep costs bearable? Here are 4 ways to lower car costs today.