30 Things I’ve Learned About Money In 30 Years

  1. Your emergency fund needs to be your first priority before you do anything else with your money.

  2. High interest debt will eat you alive.

  3. Don’t try to get credit card points or travel hack if you have no self control.

  4. Capitalism thrives on overwork, hustle culture, and lack of boundaries. Learn to say no early and often.

  5. It’s always about the money. Always. Wonder why something happened? Follow the money.

  6. Your boss isn’t your friend.

  7. Your coworkers aren’t your family.

  8. A lot of what you see on social media is bullshit. Don’t feed into it.

  9. How you grow up with money informs how you will perceive it as an adult. Unpack money narratives and make a conscious effort to be different.

  10. You’re not a bad person if you have debt.

  11. Becoming debt free is amazing, but not the be-all-end-all of life.

  12. Balance is everything. It’s easy to become obsessed. Try not to.

  13. Investing is the only way to build wealth.

  14. Renting a home or an apartment doesn’t make you any less of an adult. Real estate doesn’t make you superior.

  15. If you don’t fix what you lack inside, buying something will not help in the long-term.

  16. Your partner is a huge factor in your personal finance journey. Choose wisely,

  17. Just start. Start saving. Start paying off debt. Start investing. Begin where you are and build on top of it. There will never be a perfect time.

  18. Don’t go in debt for a wedding.

  19. Doing things based off of what society says you “should do” will lead to a road paved in debt and misery.

  20. If you have the option to invest in a 401k with a company match, do that.

  21. There’s a 99% chance of losing money in an MLM. Don’t join one if your goal is to make a profit.

  22. You don’t have to buy everyone Christmas gifts.

  23. Your parents are not your financial responsibility.

  24. You don’t have to explain your purchases to anyone.

  25. Financial literacy is invaluable and can change generations. Don’t underestimate passing down knowledge.

  26. Money is political and it always will be. Personal finance is personal and it always will be.

  27. Money does buy happiness.

  28. Being kind and adopting a philosophy of collaboration over competition will yield far more returns than the alternative.

  29. Your current situation is not your permanent one. The only constant is change.

  30. You can’t take your money with you when you die. Yes, prioritize financial wellbeing, but prioritize living too.


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