We Need To Talk About Mindset
Virginia Weir Virginia Weir

We Need To Talk About Mindset

You see, mindset is a tool, and as such can be used to help or hinder. Lately I’ve been seeing mindset weaponized—a tool of rugged individualism over our collective plight of capitalism. And I have a big problem with this.

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Fall In Love With Finance: September 30-Day Money Challenge
Virginia Weir Virginia Weir

Fall In Love With Finance: September 30-Day Money Challenge

Fall is the perfect season to fall in love and clean up your finances for back-to-school hubbub and the looming holiday chaos. While you may still be sun tanning in September #climatechange — this 30-day money challenge will inspire you to take more ownership over your personal finances and give you a better picture of where you are when it comes to your wallet.

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How We Saved A $10k Emergency Fund
Virginia Weir Virginia Weir

How We Saved A $10k Emergency Fund

Having an emergency fund, or a rainy day fund, is an essential part of any responsible personal finance plan. Here is how we saved $10k in our fully funded emergency fund.

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4 Steps To Take When You’re Starting To Get Your Financial Shit Together
Virginia Weir Virginia Weir

4 Steps To Take When You’re Starting To Get Your Financial Shit Together

Taking control of your finances is exciting and powerful. You’re about to take a big step in improving your life. While it may be a new chapter in your life, it can also be an overwhelming and intimidating one… at first. Cut back on uncertainty and start working on your financial situation in an effective way when you follow these four steps.

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Alternative Housing Options For Combating Rising Housing Costs
Virginia Weir Virginia Weir

Alternative Housing Options For Combating Rising Housing Costs

Society expects a traditional, linear path — one riddled with debt and high-interest loans. Work hard in high school, go to college, buy a new car, get married, buy a house, have kids, get that corner office… does this sound familiar to you? While you may have been able to accomplish all of this with little to no debt “back in the day,” (think white, middle-class, 1960s) the same is simply not possible in 2022.

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5 Financial Triggers And How To Overcome Them

5 Financial Triggers And How To Overcome Them

Triggered. We hear this word everywhere nowadays. Despite Fox News bullying liberal millennial “snowflakes” for being emotionally intelligent, the word “triggered,” is valid. Especially when you have experienced trauma in your life. Financial trauma not withstanding. A trigger is a reminder of a past trauma. This reminder can cause a person to feel overwhelming sadness, anxiety, or panic. It may also cause someone to have flashbacks (goodtherapy.org). Here are 5 financial triggers and how to overcome them. 

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How To Deal With Kaizen Burnout
Debt Payoff Virginia Weir Debt Payoff Virginia Weir

How To Deal With Kaizen Burnout

On the surface, kaizen seems harmless. At least that’s what I thought before I majored in corporate power and communications and became jaded with capitalist dread. When you take a closer look you notice that the kaizen ‘continuous improvement’ philosophy is corporate brainwashing wrapped up in a pretty bow. At the end of the day, when you kaizen for a company, you’re kaizening (is that a thing?) for a bottom line — and it certainly isn’t your bottom line.

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To Be A Better Ally, Get Informed
Virginia Weir Virginia Weir

To Be A Better Ally, Get Informed

This work was compiled by an ally. Unfortunately, her voice was silenced— so we decided to showcase these important resources on Vee Frugal Fox.

Thank you for coming to me and letting your voice be heard despite the ignorance and cowardice of others.

At the end of this list, I have added BIPOC personal finance accounts that you should follow as well.

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Coronavirus and the ‘Poor’
Healthcare Virginia Weir Healthcare Virginia Weir

Coronavirus and the ‘Poor’

Personal finance is my passion and my joy. I love helping people-- that’s why I do this. I once knew next to nothing about money besides I should probably have a checking account. Now, I’m focused on building a business and generational wealth. Then the Coronavirus hit.

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4 Reasons You’re Failing At Rover
Debt Payoff Virginia Weir Debt Payoff Virginia Weir

4 Reasons You’re Failing At Rover

Since being public about the love I have for this side hustle, I’ve been getting more questions about it. One of the biggest: How can I make as much money as you? Here are 4 mistakes I see in the Rover world and how to fix them. I hope this helps you in your pursuit of more cash while using this app!

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Top 4 Financial Mistakes Service-Members Make
Save Money Katie Considine Save Money Katie Considine

Top 4 Financial Mistakes Service-Members Make

I made mistakes that many people did (if not, just humor me). I wasn’t used to having a stable amount of money in my bank account. Many young whippersnappers in the service feel a level of confidence they aren’t used to walking around with a piece of plastic in their wallets. Here are some of the most mistakes and how to avoid them during your time defending the good ‘ol U S of A.

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Baby Step Spells For Every Witch Or Warlock
Virginia Weir Virginia Weir

Baby Step Spells For Every Witch Or Warlock

In general, money isn’t a topic people joke about. As someone who loves to laugh, I find that this is too bad. After all, it can’t be 100% straight faced all the time. So instead of keeping everything grave this month, I’ve decided to let my hair down with these faux spells, chants, potions, and charms. Enjoy the Vee Frugal Fox October spin on Dave Ramsey’s famous Baby Steps.

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Car Insurance For Basic Bitches
Katie Considine Katie Considine

Car Insurance For Basic Bitches

Car insurance is peace of mind. If you are liable for someone’s damage or injuries, your insurance will help you pay for that, including the legal fees if you are sued or served. Keep in mind an insurance company will not cover you for things you don’t have the coverage for. You also could be denied coverage if you do something on purpose, so you can be held liable for those things personally. These are just things to keep in mind.

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How We Blew A Lump Sum Of Money And How To Avoid Our Mistakes
Save Money Virginia Weir Save Money Virginia Weir

How We Blew A Lump Sum Of Money And How To Avoid Our Mistakes

Talk With Your Partner And Devise A Plan - And Not A Plan That You Ignore Once Money Hits Your Account

Communication is key when you have another person attached to your financial health - especially when you’re talking about moving… an already stressful situation.Sit down and T A L K with your SO about why you want to put $x here and $y there. Prioritize expenses together. Come to an agreement on saving and spending.

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