5 Financial Triggers And How To Overcome Them
Triggered. We hear this word everywhere nowadays. Despite Fox News bullying liberal millennial “snowflakes” for being emotionally intelligent, the word “triggered,” is valid. Especially when you have experienced trauma in your life. Financial trauma not withstanding. A trigger is a reminder of a past trauma. This reminder can cause a person to feel overwhelming sadness, anxiety, or panic. It may also cause someone to have flashbacks (goodtherapy.org). Here are 5 financial triggers and how to overcome them.

5 Dog Products That Will Change Your Life
While living in Colorado, I’ve been able to snag an extra grand a month just by hanging out with sweet animals via Rover. You can sign up to be a walker or sitter by clicking this sentence.
Dogs are a large part of my life, so it makes sense that I have products I love surrounding my pooches.
Here are 5 dog products that will change your life:

Top 4 Financial Mistakes Service-Members Make
I made mistakes that many people did (if not, just humor me). I wasn’t used to having a stable amount of money in my bank account. Many young whippersnappers in the service feel a level of confidence they aren’t used to walking around with a piece of plastic in their wallets. Here are some of the most mistakes and how to avoid them during your time defending the good ‘ol U S of A.

How We Blew A Lump Sum Of Money And How To Avoid Our Mistakes
Talk With Your Partner And Devise A Plan - And Not A Plan That You Ignore Once Money Hits Your Account
Communication is key when you have another person attached to your financial health - especially when you’re talking about moving… an already stressful situation.Sit down and T A L K with your SO about why you want to put $x here and $y there. Prioritize expenses together. Come to an agreement on saving and spending.