Fall In Love With Finance: September 30-Day Money Challenge

Fall is the perfect season to fall in love and clean up your finances for back-to-school hubbub and the looming holiday chaos.

While you may still be sun tanning in September #climatechange — this 30-day money challenge will inspire you to take more ownership over your personal finances and give you a better picture of where you are when it comes to your wallet.

  1. Calculate your net worth

  2. Check your credit score

  3. Write down your debt totals

  4. Write down your debt interest rates

  5. Open a high yield savings account

  6. Write down how much you have invested and where that money is located

  7. Write down your company match. Are you contributing up to the match?

  8. Research one finance term you don’t know

  9. Throw $5 into your savings account

  10. Declutter one room in your house

  11. Sell one item from your decluttered room

  12. Write down all of your monthly bills

  13. Negotiate one of your monthly bills

  14. Donate money to your favorite organization

  15. Buy yourself a $10-$25 treat

  16. Unsubscribe from promotional emails

  17. Delete all retail or any apps that pressure you to spend money from your phone

  18. Write down what you remember about money growing up. Are there any false narratives or toxic money perceptions you still carry with you as an adult? How can you re-parent yourself when it comes to money?

  19. Throw $25 in your savings account

  20. Before you go to the grocery store, take inventory of what you have in your pantry. Can you save money this week by making meals you have stocked already?

  21. Try 3 “no-spend” days

  22. Consume one piece of financial content

  23. Throw $5 into your savings account

  24. Automate at least one financial aspect of your life

  25. Go out on a frugal fall date (with yourself or your partner)

  26. Make a financial goal to tackle in October

  27. Write a budget out for October

  28. Throw $20 into your savings account

  29. Edit your social media to only accounts, brands, influencers, or people that serve you

  30. Buy yourself a $20-35 treat. You did it!

Share what you learned, what you hated, and what you loved about this challenge with me on social media. Tag @veefrugalfox!


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