Fall In Love With Finance: September 30-Day Money Challenge
Virginia Weir Virginia Weir

Fall In Love With Finance: September 30-Day Money Challenge

Fall is the perfect season to fall in love and clean up your finances for back-to-school hubbub and the looming holiday chaos. While you may still be sun tanning in September #climatechange — this 30-day money challenge will inspire you to take more ownership over your personal finances and give you a better picture of where you are when it comes to your wallet.

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5 Financial Triggers And How To Overcome Them

5 Financial Triggers And How To Overcome Them

Triggered. We hear this word everywhere nowadays. Despite Fox News bullying liberal millennial “snowflakes” for being emotionally intelligent, the word “triggered,” is valid. Especially when you have experienced trauma in your life. Financial trauma not withstanding. A trigger is a reminder of a past trauma. This reminder can cause a person to feel overwhelming sadness, anxiety, or panic. It may also cause someone to have flashbacks (goodtherapy.org). Here are 5 financial triggers and how to overcome them. 

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