How We Saved A $10k Emergency Fund
Having an emergency fund, or a rainy day fund, is an essential part of any responsible personal finance plan. Here is how we saved $10k in our fully funded emergency fund.

5 Financial Triggers And How To Overcome Them
Triggered. We hear this word everywhere nowadays. Despite Fox News bullying liberal millennial “snowflakes” for being emotionally intelligent, the word “triggered,” is valid. Especially when you have experienced trauma in your life. Financial trauma not withstanding. A trigger is a reminder of a past trauma. This reminder can cause a person to feel overwhelming sadness, anxiety, or panic. It may also cause someone to have flashbacks (goodtherapy.org). Here are 5 financial triggers and how to overcome them.

10 Ways To Improve Your Finances In The New Year
The ball has dropped and Auld Lang Syne has been sung, which can only mean one thing: It’s the new year!
If you’re looking to set money goals in 2022 or improve your personal finances, I have just the thing for you. Here are 10 ways to improve your finances in the new year.

4 Reasons You’re Failing At Rover
Since being public about the love I have for this side hustle, I’ve been getting more questions about it. One of the biggest: How can I make as much money as you? Here are 4 mistakes I see in the Rover world and how to fix them. I hope this helps you in your pursuit of more cash while using this app!

Toxic Money Habits And Actionable Steps To Reverse Them NOW
This Halloween don’t let toxic habits kill your financial wellbeing. We all have ways we can be better, especially where money is concerned. Below, I’ve listed 5 toxic habits and how you can take steps to fix them now!

Baby Step Spells For Every Witch Or Warlock
In general, money isn’t a topic people joke about. As someone who loves to laugh, I find that this is too bad. After all, it can’t be 100% straight faced all the time. So instead of keeping everything grave this month, I’ve decided to let my hair down with these faux spells, chants, potions, and charms. Enjoy the Vee Frugal Fox October spin on Dave Ramsey’s famous Baby Steps.